+234 803 300 0487, +234 810 785 0226 Monday - Friday 09:00 - 17:00 Plot 11, House 8, Rasak Bello Street, Magodo - Isheri Phase 1, Lagos.

Terms & Conditions

Article I. Parties and Scope

1. These are the terms and conditions (“Terms”) that govern the relationship between you, our customer (referred to as “you” in these terms) and VIOPAT INTERNAL SERVICES CONSULTANTS LIMITED (herein referred to as VIOPAT CONSULTANTS), RC 1419850, SITUATE AT PLOT 11, HOUSE 8, RASAK BELLO STREET, MOGODO – ISHERI, LAGOS for provision of services by VIOPAT CONSULTANTS.

2. If you are a consumer within the meaning of any local law then additional rights may be available to you and will be specified in this document. If you are not a Consumer, you confirm that you have authority to bind any business on whose behalf you seek to purchase services.

3. These Terms shall include certain terms specified on the relevant VIOPAT CONSULTANTS website (“Website”) located at, including the VIOPAT CONSULTANTS Privacy Policy which when taken together are exclusive in relation to VIOPAT CONSULTANTS services. Other general terms and conditions do not apply and do not form part of the contract between us, even if we do not explicitly reject them.

4. The Terms are subject to change without prior notice, except that the Terms in force at the time you place or modify an order will govern the order in question. For the avoidance of doubt, mere viewing of (in contrast to ordering services from) the Website is subject to the Terms Of Website Use and not these Terms.

5. The primary services provided by VIOPAT CONSULTANTS are to help you in obtaining travel visas and other travel documentation. We describe documents and forms you generally need to provide to achieve these aims and then guide in submitting these documents and forms duly completed by you, to the authorities or appropriate bodies.

6. For the avoidance of doubt, if we provide services to you, you are our customer and these Terms apply. If we refer you to any other service provider, you take responsibility for reviewing any services provided and that service provider’s terms and conditions will apply for their services. We do not accept any liability for third party services and these Terms will not apply to those services.

7. Our order process allows you to check and amend any errors before submitting your order to us. After you place an order, you will receive an e-mail from us acknowledging that we have received your order. If your order appears to be correct, we will notify you that we have accepted your order and begun work on it. This acceptance email is titled “Your Order Has Been Received”. The contract between us will only be formed when we send you this acceptance email.

8. These Terms apply to any offer and any agreement between you and VIOPAT CONSULTANTS and to the provision of any service provided to you by or on behalf of VIOPAT CONSULTANTS in respect of but not limited to the processing of visas, passports and/or documents for you or on your behalf. Some Terms may refer to an issuing authority, which is the body being an high commission, embassy, consulate or other agency that issue or supply the documents requested by you

Article II. Procedure

VIOPAT CONSULTANTS will endeavour to provide you with accurate information and to ensure that you obtain the visa for your trip for the date required in a timely manner. Nevertheless, you should remember that all requirements to obtain the visa (documentation, fees, time frames, etc) are calculated based on general criteria and can vary according to information provided by you such as current or previous nationality, residence, gender, age, profession, recent travel, religion etc. You should also remember that the issuing authority may change general country requirements without notice or require additional specific information from you. VIOPAT CONSULTANTS will try to inform you as soon as practicable of such changes.

Article III. Submission of Documentation

1. You can consult the list of requisites to be met in order to process your visa on our website. To ensure that you know where your documents are at all times, you will be sent an e-mail confirming the receipt of copies your documents when it reaches our offices.

2. VIOPAT CONSULTANTS will only assist in processing your visa to or remain in Nigeria; it assumes no responsibility for other visas for other countries required for your trip which relates to stops (eg. Transit visa[s]) on your trip.

3. By submitting one or more requests to process one or more visas to VIOPAT CONSULTANTS, you accept these Terms. Once your request(s) has/have been made to VIOPAT CONSULTANTS, VIOPAT CONSULTANTS shall send to the e-mail address provided by you an email with the specific conditions of the visa requested (type of visa, destination, time frame, etc.).

On receipt of your documentation your requests will be validated and VIOPAT CONSULTANTS shall commence the procedures to obtain the visa(s). If offered, phone orders will be accepted on the day of placement and mail orders will be accepted: (a) if provided with an email address, when we email you with a ‘Confirmation Order Received’; or otherwise (b) on the first business day after receipt of the completed forms. VIOPAT CONSULTANTS reserves the right to refuse in its total discretion to handle any application at any time and no reason need be given.

Article IV. Obtaining the Visa

The issue of a visa depends exclusively on the issuing authority and immigration officials in Nigeria at her missions abroad have the final decision to admit entry into the country or region, even when all of the stipulated requirements have been met. VIOPAT CONSULTANTS does not guarantee that the issuing authority will issue the visa in a timely manner and within the specified time frame; therefore, VIOPAT CONSULTANTS fees will be collected for the completion of procedures required for this issue. Non-refundable fares or reservations must not be purchased until all visas have been obtained.

Article V. Additional services

VIOPAT CONSULTANTS may offer to provide additional services in some jurisdictions e.g. Collection Service, Concierge Service, Digital Photo Service, Emergency Document Service, Travel Visa Widget, Pre-check Service, Invitation Services, Visa Replacement Service. If so, the description and relevant terms for those additional services are available on the Website via the Service Directory and are incorporated into these terms.

Article VI. Fees

1. The fees for VIOPAT CONSULTANTS services shall be those specified on the website, including any indirect taxes (if any) that are applicable to the fees ,and other charges and fees charged by an issuing authority or any courier or delivery service, all of which must be paid by you. Once VIOPAT CONSULTANTS submits a travel document request to an issuing authority on your behalf, VIOPAT CONSULTANTS’ service fees are non-refundable.

2. Consular fees and availability of services are subject to change without notice. Fees and services may differ between the time the order is placed and when the ordered is completed. VIOPAT CONSULTANTS will endeavour to communicate said changes to the client where possible. VIOPAT CONSULTANTS reserves the right to select the most appropriate service available given the time constraints as indicated by the client.

3. All fees paid to an issuing authority by VIOPAT CONSULTANTS on your behalf are non-refundable. In the event that a visa or passport application is submitted on your behalf and the request is rejected for any reason, VIOPAT CONSULTANTS will, at your request, make an additional attempt to secure the travel document. Additional VIOPAT CONSULTANTS service fees will not be assessed in this situation but you will be required to pay any additional fees assessed by the issuing authority.

4. Orders which are not submitted via the online order process may be charged an additional administrative fee if so specified on the Website. VIOPAT CONSULTANTS reserves the right to retain passports and documents until full payment is received. VIOPAT CONSULTANTS service fees may vary according to the number of business processing days available to procure the service. Consulate closings and holidays are excluded.

5. Where a Nigerian Electronic visa has been requested, the fee paid to VIOPAT CONSULTANTS includes processing of SAID visa only and does not include any appeals or additional services. The cost of the application is non-refundable and should your application be refused you will not be issued a refund.

6. Orders cancelled prior to submission will be assessed for VIOPAT CONSULTANTS service fees. Once the application has been submitted to the appropriate government agency full fees will apply. Additional cancellation fees may be applied for early withdrawal of the application.

Article VII. Warnings / Disclaimers

1. The issuing authority will make the final determination as to the type of visa or passport, how quickly it will be issued and for what duration it will be issued. Prior to approval, the issuing authority may ask for additional documentation.

2. The issuing authority may reject any visa, passport or other travel document application for any reason and may not provide a reason to VIOPAT CONSULTANTS for the rejection. VIOPAT CONSULTANTS does not issue visas or passports and cannot make any guarantee or assurances that any issuing authority will issue any document nor can VIOPAT CONSULTANTS guarantee the time required for an issuing authority to grant or reject an application.

3. Issuing authorities may choose to grant a different type of travel document than that which the applicant has requested which may impact the purpose, validity or number of entries. As a result, non-refundable tickets or reservations should not be purchased until all the required travel documents for your trip have been secured.

4. VIOPAT CONSULTANTS, in addition to the issuing authorities, reserve the right to prioritize processing according to the travel dates you provide. VIOPAT CONSULTANTS service fees are assessed for taking reasonable actions to foster the issuance of a requested travel documents.

5. VIOPAT CONSULTANTS will use its best endeavours to process applications for visas, passports and/or documents at the client’s request. However, VIOPAT CONSULTANTS shall not be held responsible for nor accept any liability for the actions of any high commission, consulate, embassy, or passport office in delaying or not issuing such applications for any reason whatsoever, nor shall VIOPAT CONSULTANTS be held responsible for expense and/or delay arising from or in connection with:
(a) incomplete application forms or;
(b) incorrectly or falsely completed application forms or;
(c) inaccurate or incomplete supporting documentation.

6. Any expense or cost incurred by the client due to these delays or non-issuance shall not be the responsibility of, nor shall any charges be levied upon, VIOPAT CONSULTANTS.

7. In the event an application for visa or passport is referred, VIOPAT CONSULTANTS will attempt to assist the traveller in procuring the relevant documents to meet the client’s desired travel plans however in any event, travel plans should not be confirmed until the traveller has secured the necessary documents to allow entry.

8. VIOPAT CONSULTANTS provides visa and passport information in good faith on the express understanding that the said information is the interpretation of any or all information provided by respective high commissions, embassies, consulates or passport offices at any or all times and VIOPAT CONSULTANTS shall not accept responsibility or liability whatsoever for any errors and/or omissions in the information.

9. VIOPAT CONSULTANTS will endeavour, wherever possible, to process the client’s visa, passport and/or document based on the instructions given and application forms submitted, although it is the client’s express responsibility to ensure that the validity of the said visa/passport/document obtained includes and covers the periods of time in which the client plans to enter and leave Nigeria or that the client is visiting and for the number of entries to Nigeria and is valid for the purpose intended.

10. When VIOPAT CONSULTANTS returns your passport and documents, it is your responsibility to verify that all the visas you require for your trip have been obtained, that the visas for Nigeria is valid for entry and exit dates of your visit, that your personal details are reflected accurately, and that your passport is valid for at least six months beyond the completion of your trip.

11. Please note that even when a visa is issued, a traveller may be denied entry since in each country the local immigration officials make the final entry decision. VIOPAT CONSULTANTS recommends all travelers secure a visa prior to departure and do not attempt to obtain one “on arrival” except a Visa-on-Arrival (VoA) is obtained for that purpose.

Article VIII. Limitation of liability

1. Should a passport, document or other item be lost, misplaced, damaged, delayed or destroyed, VIOPAT CONSULTANTS shall only be liable if it is at fault and its liability shall be limited to the basic replacement cost of that item.

2. VIOPAT CONSULTANTS is not responsible for items misplaced, damaged, delayed or destroyed by a delivery service or issuing authority. Passport covers and all documents such as original bank statements, educational and birth certificates etc not requested for submission per VIOPAT CONSULTANTS instruction should be retained by the applicant. VIOPAT CONSULTANTS accepts no responsibility for the loss or damage of such documents.

3. To the maximum extent permitted by law, VIOPAT CONSULTANTS excludes or limits any direct, indirect or consequential loss and all statutory or implied conditions and warranties, including, without limitation, lost profits or travel or holiday costs or any loss arising from information obtained from the Website. Subject to the other provisions of this clause, our maximum liability for loss caused to you whether under contract, tort, or otherwise, shall be limited to the value of the documents the subject of the contract at the time the documents were received by the Company.

4. Nothing in this agreement excludes or limits our liability for:
(a) death or personal injury caused by our negligence;
(b) fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation; or
(c) any other matter for which it would be illegal for us to exclude or attempt to exclude our liability.

Article IX. Claims Period

You have 60 calendar days from the date of delivery of the visa (or if not delivered, from the date of order) to inform VIOPAT CONSULTANTS of any claim related to VIOPAT CONSULTANTS services. Once the relevant deadline has passed, any rights for rectification or compensation shall expire.

Article X. General

1. These terms and conditions and any document expressly referred to in them constitute the whole agreement between us and supersede all previous discussions, correspondence, negotiations, previous arrangement, understanding or agreement between us relating to the subject matter of any contract.

2. If any provision of these Terms does not comply with any law, then the provision must be read down so as to give it as much effect as possible. If it is not possible to give the provision any effect at all, then it must be treated as severable from the rest of the Terms.

3. Where VIOPAT CONSULTANTS is unable to carry out any obligation under the contract due to any circumstance, matter or thing beyond its reasonable control (“force majeure”), VIOPAT CONSULTANTS shall be excused from such obligations to the extent of such prevention, restriction or interference so caused.

4. VIOPAT CONSULTANTS may sub-contract all or part of its obligations or assign all or part of its rights under this contract. This agreement does not create any right enforceable by a person who is not a party to it, except for any lawful successor or assignee.

5. Any dispute arising under this agreement shall be governed by the laws of the Federal Republic of Nigeria and both parties agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.